• Posted by: Health and Fitness Tips and Tricks
  • at November 13, 2019 -

So you had another diet slip up? Another Weight loss program? We've all  been there. I bet a lot of you dream of eating something you want without gaining weight. Is this True? How awesome would that be? No more diets or strict meal plans? Well, I can't promise you any miracles. But eating these 11 foods will help you to stop craving foods and the same time, Lose your weight.


I can't live without a good cup of coffee in the morning. This might be a good thing if you want to lose weight. According to a 2017 study in the Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology, Ooh, that's a page-turner. Coffee helps build calories and break down fats. If you drink a cup of naturally brewed coffee 30 minutes to four hours before a meal. It helps to keep hunger at bay. The trick here is to drink it without any of the additions that most people love, cream sugar and syrup.They contain a lot of calories. Around 200 milligrams of caffeine a day, which is roughly two cups is enough to achieve the desired effect. But it's also best to consult your doctor to make sure your body can handle this amount of caffeine.


I know a lot of people prefer eating cereal for breakfast. But this kind of food contains a lot of sugar, which of course you need to avoid if you want to lose weight. If you're looking for a healthier meal to start your day with consider oatmeal and has a lot of fiber which helps you avoid feeling hungry for a longer period of time. A study carried out by the New York nutrition obesity Research Center showed that people who ate oatmeal for breakfast felt full for longer than those who didn't need it.
On top of that, the first group of test subjects ate one third fewer calories for lunch.


Remember how the cartoon hero Popeye was crazy about spinach? That guy was definitely on to something. In 2009 Dr. Richard Conkey found out that the final equates spinach is rich in suppress appetite by increasing the level of the hormone leptin. This hormone controls the sense of hunger by telling you when you're full. That's why if hunger and cravings keep haunting, you don't forget to eat these leafy greens. Your body will not only get a lot of beneficial nutrients, but Spinach contains but eating large servings of it will also increase your intake of this natural appetite suppressant.


We've all Heard about how good green tea is for our health, it might be one of the healthiest drinks out there. Green tea can protect our blood vessels against the formation of clots reduce the level of cholesterol and risk of high blood pressure and regulate glucose levels, which is important for those who have diabetes. But that's not all that green tea is capable off. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the caffeine and ketogenic and green tea, decrease appetite and increase the fat burning process by 4%. In addition, this drink boosts our metabolism. That's why drinking a couple of cups of green tea a day will definitely benefit your diet.


You can add this product to your meals to make them taste a bit more interesting. Or you can brew ginger tea. By doing so you'll meet your weight loss goals thanks to the ginger ale ginger contains this ingredient works well if you're looking for food that will Stop that snack attack by controlling the level of leptin, which reduces your appetite. Also, it keeps you feeling satiated longer. Eating ginger on a daily basis will help you get rid of those extra pounds more quickly.


If you're trying to eat healthfully, you'll probably choose fat free yogurt. Because you're under the false impression that anything fat free will help you get in shape faster. But those products usually contain a large amount of sugar, which will prevent you from losing weight. It's much better to eat natural yogurts that are rich in protein, which makes you feel less hungry. What's more yogurt contains the probiotic bacteria that are good for your digestion. If natural yogurt sounds and tastes boring to you, just add some fruit to it.

This common green fruit hides a lot of pleasant surprises for those trying to control their appetite. Avocado was not only rich and nutritious fatty acids, but also has only acid which provides a longer feeling of satiety. This fact is backed up by an experiment conducted by scientists from Loma Linda University in California, participants ate avocado as part of their lunch for five weeks. They later reported a 40% decrease in the desire to get us Snack three hours after their me.


How about making your food a bit spicy red chili contains capsaicin, a chemical compound that curves your appetite and helps burn fat. Researchers from Purdue University found out that just one gram of chili pepper added to your meal can reduce appetite and suppress feelings of hunger. It also speeds up your metabolism, which can help you lose weight. But the same studies show that spicy food lovers didn't experience any suppressing of their appetite during such a diet. They've probably acquired some kind of tolerance to this kind of food. That's why it's better not to eat it every day if you want red chili to keep working as an appetite suppressant with some fat-burning properties.

Coconut oil contains plenty of medium-chain fatty acids, which are digested differently by our body. They are metabolized into energy sooner, which allows fewer opportunities for creating fat stores. Moreover, studies by Canadian and Brazilian scientists suggest that moderate use of this oil helps to reduce fat, especially in the abdominal area. But don't forget that Coconut oil is still oil, so there's no need to add it to every meal. It's better to use it for frying as seldom as possible.


 Lentils are really beneficial to your overall health because they are rich folic acid, iron, potassium, fire me and manganese but the most important thing about lentils is that the source of fiber and protein, which means that adding them to your diet will prevent you from snacking between meals. lentils leave you feeling full for longer and they are also low in calories. Besides, it doesn't take much time to cook them. Unlike other types of beans.       


 Do you have no idea How to shake off your sugar craving tried dark chocolate that's at least 70% cocoa. This will not only lower your desire to eat something sweet, but also help control your appetite. An experiment conducted at the University of Copenhagen supports this idea. participants who consumed a bar of dark chocolate felt less hungry over a longer period of time. Later on, when they were offered pizza. They ate less of it than those who had a bar of milk chocolate. Yeah, dark chocolate kill me. 

Yeah. So which food from the list would you like to add to your diet? 

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